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Digital Marketing for Governmental/Non-Governmental Organizations

Any organization can flourish only when the work they do is spoken about and appreciated and eventually funded. Only word-of-mouth is not going to give you the results you expect.

How can we help you achieve your goals?

Social Media Handling

For every new project your organization takes up, you need to create awareness.

The best way to ensure awareness is online.We can help you strengthen your online presence and do more good work.

We have a team of graphic and video editors that can turn any raw photos and videos into masterpieces which can be shared on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc. and share the work you are doing with your followers regularly.

Google Display Network

Along with regular social media updating, our team is also well versed with advertising on Google.

We use the Google Display Network (GDN) to show your ads on different websites and apps that are visited by your targeted audience.

This will ensure that your announcements or requirements are seen by the right people and garner the expected response.

Branding Collaterals

You have your own identity which can be recognized when used correctly.

We design branding collaterals like logos, custom pen & bags etc. which can be distributed/sold to people to create brand awareness.

Why do you need a team to handle Social Media?



Without trust, there is no support. You need your benefactors, well-wishers and followers to trust you so that your relationship is a long lasting one. We use social media posts, blogs, videos and testimonies to show people what you do and why you do it. This builds familiarity and trust.


When your social media page shares pictures of the people you are helping, the projects you are involved in and the work that you do, your followers are interested in keeping track. After consistently appreciating all the good work you are doing, when you put out a post saying, you need crowd funding for a project, your followers have your back. Likes, Shares and Comments will be your proof. Because, for funding, people need to know that you are worth investing in.


When you have a project that requires multiple hands and field work, your social media page will give you exactly what you need. We will post stories on social media for requirements and keep track of messages and comments from people who are interested in joining your project for hands-on experience or simple goodwill.

Cost Effective

Instead of spending lakhs of rupees on traditional advertisements, digital advertisements can get the job done in 1/10th of the price.


Get a Free Consultation for your Govt Org. Or NGO


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