
Technology is the great growling engine of change, and it’s everywhere. The companies that make and roll out tech-based products and software into the market — the IT companies and businesses offering Software as a Services (SaaS) — need to build brand awareness and make themselves stand out. Because tech shoppers spend 74% of their time researching online versus 26% offline. It is key to make their customers — existing or potential — realize the real value they provide. Marketing for enterprise technology and software companies has changed over the years — and it now leverages the power of digital!

You’re probably here because you’re wondering how to market your software product. While digital marketing for technology companies brings plenty of scope for improving brand visibility and ensuring your services can be easily found through search — there is increased competition for attention on digital channels, and also the growing need to reach the right decision-makers on the right channels. You may be following the best marketing strategies for IT companies, but you will need some digital marketing tactics that will produce real results more easily. So, what are they? Let’s find out 5 of them that actually work!

Consolidate Your Content Experience

To start with, no matter what types of content you produce, centralize the experiences. Individual pieces of content — such as blogs, e-mailers, social media posts — should be personalized for your audience and the channel. But they should all come together in one centralized digital experience that’s connected to your brand. This will help them remember your brand.
Even before you start with your marketing, having a detailed brand manual and abiding by it for your content creation can help. You can also have a “Resources” page on your website to drive visitors into one experience, while still being able to find the information that’s most useful or relevant to them.

Create Original & Engaging Video Content

Decision-makers may not have the time to go through a product datasheet, but they could surely have the time to watch an engaging video of two or three minutes, about a product or solution that might interest them or offer their business some value. If you want to introduce your solution or talk about the benefits of your product, use original, high-quality video content as a marketing tactic. Make a video about how your company started. Or what made you develop a specific feature. Or how your product solves a common customer problem. Promoting video content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, or even just featuring it on a website can work wonders while marketing for SaaS startups.

Storytelling is key — while using a video to market your solution, you need to focus on telling a compelling story. Marketing in the B2B enterprise space doesn’t mean you should restrict yourself to technical and jargon-filled videos. While your technology solution or product might be robust or complex, the video shouldn’t be! It can be fun and easy to understand. Engaging videos that can inform, educate and entertain at the same time are the ones that capture the most attention and brand recall. As for the product specifics, don’t go too overboard with them in the video either, leave some suspense for other content offers as well as your sales calls and meetings!

Utilize Client Testimonials

If your clients are your unpaid endorsers, that’s the best endorsement you could get! Request them for testimonials. Client testimonials serve as a reliable endorsement and are considered as a peer-to-peer endorsement by your potential customers. They make your target customer think that if your solution worked for another company just like theirs, it will work for them too. That’s how they get interested in your product, and that’s what takes them up the conversion ladder faster.
You could have client testimonial quotes on the Home Page of your website, or on the Landing Page dedicated to a product. You could also turn client testimonials into powerful videos where the clients themselves talk about your solution. Walk the viewers through how your solution helped a specific customer get from point A to point B, what pain points it solved along the way, and how.

Give Your Audience Real Value

Any killer strategy of digital marketing for IT companies or any great marketing strategies for technology companies fall flat if your audience is not getting any value from your marketing materials! By using various methods without providing them with real value, you may be able to reach them but may not be able to convert them. They won’t be led to the next stage of the buyer’s journey. They won’t hit that ‘Sign up’ or ‘Buy now’ button, they won’t ‘Swipe up’ or ‘Subscribe’, and they won’t download your brochure or datasheet.

“But what do you mean by ‘real value’?” On the surface, it is a good brand impression — which is important. On a deeper level, it is you being a trusted source of information and a subject matter expert in your domain. This is what gives you a good brand impression in the first place.

If the information and content you put out through your marketing efforts are valuable to your audience, and if you are giving out some of your coveted secrets because they can help your audience — your audience is more likely to further engage with you. Your brand name and product will pop up in their head when they want to solve a particular business problem or meet a relevant need the next time. Your website will be where they go to seek answers. Your sales representative is whom they will reach out to when they have queries. When they trust you, they will move to the next stage of the conversion process with confidence in you. And that’s a win for you!

Remarket to Existing Customers

Unless you’re entirely new in the market, you are bound to have some existing customers. How about increasing revenue through marketing efforts that are targeted to your current customers? You will most likely have a database with some required details about them, and you can build campaigns and systems that enable you to retain these customers along with upselling and cross-selling your products, services, solutions and features to them.

Customer remarketing also makes you stay top-of-mind with them and this also increases their brand recall and retention. Moreover, as they’ve already done business with you earlier, they will be more likely to trust you again if you’ve provided them with value the last time. You can also run remarketing ads via platforms like Google or Facebook for those who have visited your website to know more about you or your clients. This can also push people towards conversion and bring you more sales.

Some Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. How do you digitally market a software product?

A. To start with, have proper and well-planned digital marketing strategies in place and follow some tactics that work. Create a comprehensive knowledge base to support your customers with your content offers. Also, consider offering free demos or free trial versions of the product.

Q. How do software companies get clients?

A. The first step is to identify a specific niche to target and have a content marketing strategy. The content you promote should be targeted to a particular audience and provide them with real value — to convert them into clients. Establish yourself as a subject matter expert and reliable resource for information to gain your potential clients’ trust. Getting referrals from previous clients is also a good way of getting new clients.

Q. How do I market my software house?

A. Invest in getting a dynamic, fast-loading and mobile responsive website design. Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your content offers and opt for Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising to generate leads. Social media marketing is also a great way of marketing your software house or company to increase brand visibility.

The competition in the B2B Tech industry is fierce. So take advantage of what the online world and the social media platforms have to offer. You may find an untapped source of clients looking for your services. No matter how new or old, big or small your company is, you can outrun your competitors with the right approach to digital media. And if you’re an IT company or a SaaS company looking to buff up your marketing strategies and tactics to make more profits, reach out to Alter Marketing Solutions at 099864 60086 or email us at [email protected].