Hi, I’m prajwal today i will teach you how to improve your Facebook Ad click-through rate
There are two options you have when you are buying Facebook Ads, its either you pay per impression or you pay per click. Most people prefer to pay per click because, why you want to pay if people are not coming to your website. But there is an issue, if you are not getting enough clicks then paying through click is very expensive. Generally speaking, I found it is cheaper to pay per impression and you yourselves optimize for Click-through rate. And the way you optimize your ad is.
Step 1: Focus on having really amazing image that POPS OUT.

If your image is blending with Facebook no one is going to see it or click on it, so have a bright image that stands out. If you don’t want to use a bright image than using an image blending to facebook’s colour scheme generates a lot of clicks because they don’t look like ads.
Step 2 : The second thing you want to do is optimize your text. If your text doesn’t have any emotions or Shocking value then fewer people are going to click-thru
For example
If your Ad copy is – 10 benefits of Green Tea, #8 will amaze you!

Then people will be really curious to see what is at #8 and people will click through your Ad. If you are going to optimize your image and text then you are going to get a lot of clicks.
Step 3: Last but not least, you have to keep rotating up the audience whom you are advertising to

When you are picking an audience for whom Facebook allows you to target if its really small and you keep showing the ads to the same person again and again then for sure they are not going to click on your ads. This means you have to rotate your Ad images on a regular basis or you should select new people for whom you are advertising to.
If you follow the above steps you are going to get better Click Thru Rates.
Make sure you pick the option where you are paying per impression and cost per your Facebook Ads will go down.
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